Murphy Montana Moquin

Murphy Montana Moquin
Murphy is Irish. It means "sea warrior." Murphy's middle name is for Joe Montana, Marc's favorite quarterback of his favorite team, the San Francisco 49ers.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Year Later

I noticed that my last post was Sept 11, 2010, so I thought I should post one year later. Today is the 10th anniversary of 9-11, and it's been sad watching all the memorials and hearing people's stories. I have been in California since about Aug. 12th. Murphy and I drove down to visit my dad. While I was here, my dad had a stroke, so I stayed and am trying to help with what I can. It's been a sad, tough time, seeing my dad go through what he's going through. Murph keeps me company - I was even allowed to bring him into the hospital for a visit or two. After three weeks, my dad is finally out of the hospital and in a skilled nursing facility. A whole other level of sadness.