Murphy Montana Moquin

Murphy Montana Moquin
Murphy is Irish. It means "sea warrior." Murphy's middle name is for Joe Montana, Marc's favorite quarterback of his favorite team, the San Francisco 49ers.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bed Heads

I've been sick this week. Bad cough. Headache. No swine flu, just something else. This according to the doctor. Murphy and I have just been lounging about. It's not uncommon for me to wake up with something furry around my head. Wish I could be healthy and stay home - then we could play more. But I don't think work would approve. Check out Murph's bedhead. You can barely see his face underneath all of that scraggly mess. My little muppet.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Seattle Loves Pearl Jam

Last Monday night, a school night, Marc and I went to see Pearl Jam. Marc had seen them before, but I hadn't so wanted to. After all, Pearl Jam in Seattle - it's like U2 in Ireland; or the Beatles in Liverpool; or Bob Dylan in Hibbing, Minnesota - okay, that may be a stretch. So we lumbered over to Key Arena and saw a great show. A friend at work took this photo. Great rock band. Great show. But I'm getting old. The MJ was prevalent at PJ and the drunk behind us, while funny, was also annoying. An interesting mix of people. Seattle proved to be the best home crowd, though, singing along and showering the band with as much applause and awe as they could muster.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bruce!

Bruce Springsteen turns 60 tomorrow, Sept. 23rd. My hero. 60. In honor of this, Murphy will wear a red bandana during his evening walk. Tramps like Murph, baby he was born to run...

Missing Murphy

e recently spent the weekend in Chicago, primarily to see U2 at Soldier Field, but also to see the city. The wonderful windy city. From the top of the Sears Tower, to Wrigley Field, to a play at Steppenwolf, the Shedd Aquarium and the Art Institute - we couldn't have asked for a better weekend. But something was missing. Murphy. Around every turn, we were reminded of our little guy - meeting another labradoodle on the street; seeing a sign near Wrigley that said Murphy's, to receiving text of a picture of Murphy sprawled on our friends' bed, with the caption, "Easy Livin.'" Murphy was well taken care of by our friends, Bill and Bev. We missed Murph's antics, and were so happy to return to his welcoming, furry arms.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Project Ruffway

Murphy, the most adorable labradoodle in Ballard - and maybe on the planet, recently attended the Project Ruffway contest at All the Best Pet Care. Murphy and I love All the Best Pet Care because every time we walk in, they treat us like royalty - giving Murphy treats and letting him play in the store. For the contest, Murphy attempted to dress as a little devil - not a stretch - but his horns didn't stay on very well. There were many other dogs there, but he was the only one who attempted a costume, so he WON! We knew he was a winner already, but this confirms it. This is the write-up from the store: "Devilishly cute Labradoodle puppy Murphy won last night's "Project Ruffway" pet costume contest. He would have preferred eating his costume to wearing it, but hey, he's a puppy. Thanks to Laura Bee & Otis of Laura Bee Design...s for serving as judges and providing the grand prize!"
We love you Murphy! You're awesome!